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Cardiovascular highlights from non-cardiology journals
  1. Steven M Bradley, JournalScan Editor

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Long-term data on fractional flow reserve guided PCI

The Fractional Flow Reserve versus Angiography for Multivessel Evaluation (FAME) trial was a landmark study of the use of fractional flow reserve (FFR) to guide coronary revascularization through the identification of ischemia-inducing stenosis at the time of coronary angiography. The previously published 1- and 2-year results of the FAME trial demonstrated fewer major adverse cardiac events in the FFR arm as compared to patients undergoing revascularization guided by angiographic assessment alone. In the current study, the authors present the 5-year follow-up data from the FAME trial. The original trial enrolled 1005 patients across 20 centers from 2006 to 2007, with 496 randomized to angiography-guided revascularization and 506 to FFR-guided revascularization. Of these patients, 429 in the angiography-guided arm and 436 in the FFR-guided arm were included in the …

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