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37 Evaluation of the use of intra-aortic balloon pump in a tertiary centre
  1. U Rao,
  2. LO Hughes,
  3. TE Wistow,
  4. T Sarev,
  5. SC Eccleshall,
  6. ADS Ryding,
  7. TJ Gilbert
  1. University Hospital of Norfolk and Norwich


Introduction Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) has been the mainstay treatment for cardiogenic shock seen in patients presenting with myocardial infarction (MI). We evaluated the practice and complications of IABP.

Methods This retrospective study included patients who had IABP inserted over a 16 month period. Data was collected from case notes, discharge summaries and BCIS database.

Results 34 patients (26 males) had IABP inserted with an average age of 70.5 years. 76% of patients were admitted for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI), followed by unstable angina (8.8%), ventricular septal defect (VSD) in late presentation MI (5.8%), triple vessel disease (5.8%) and intractable pulmonary oedema (2.9%). Of these 57% had severe LV function and 62% were in CS. The main indication for IABP insertion was CS in 73% of cases followed by VSD (11.7%), refractory angina (8.8%) and prophylactic insertion. One third of patients presented with cardiac arrest. Majority (90%) of the IABPs were inserted within 24 h of admission. The complication rate was low at 0.03%. 70% patients were treated in CCU and the rest transferred to ITU. Of these a total of 73.5% were discharged alive with good outcome.

Conclusions Of the 34 patients studied, 76% were admitted for PPCI. 73% of patients with CS had IABP inserted with low complication rate. Majority were treated in CCU, of these over 70% of the patients were discharged alive. Therefore, in our study the use of IABP was useful and effective leading to good clinical outcomes.

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