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18F-Fluoride Positron Emission Tomography A82 117

2D speckle tracking echo A144 218

6 weeks A12 19

Ablation A46, A47, A49 63, 65, 68

ACS A73, A77 104, 109

Actin cytoskeleton A135 201

Acute coronary syndome A70, A72, A76 99, 102, 107

Acute Medical admission A109 150

Acute myocardial infarction A114, A19, A69 160, 28, 98

Adult Congenital heart disease A54 75

Adult congenital Heart services A52 71

AECU A92, A50 130, 70

AF A143, A36 217, 50

Ageing A114, A128, A142 159, 188, 215

All-cause mortality A13 21


Ambulatory A50 70

Ambulatory care A92 130

Anaemia A76 107

angina A64 90

Angiogenesis A132, A134 195, 199

angiography A75 106

Angiotensin A137 207

Anterior T wave inversion A108 149

Anthracyclines A89 127

Anticoagulation A25, A35, A45 36, 49, 61

Antioxidants A129 189

antithrombotic therapies A118 169

Aorta A101, A126 141, 183

Aortic Regurgitation A28 40

Aortic Stenosis A82, A9, A109, A113, A140, A143, A26, A30, A31, A34 117, 13, 151, 158, 212, 216, 37, 41, 43, 47

Aortic Valve A100, A113 139, 157

Aortic Valve Replacement A101, A111, A26 141, 153, 38

Aortopathy A97, A53 136, 73

apical HCM A104 144

Arrhythmia A41 57

arterial access site A24 34

atherosclerosis A121, A121, A123, A128, A130, A131, A132, A137, A142 173, 174, 179, 188, 191, 194, 197, 206, 214

Athletes Heart A85, A86 120, 121

ATP A130 191

Atrial Fibrillation A7, A98, A127, A13, A34, A35, A44, A45, A45, A46, A47, A47, A54 11, 138, 185, 21, 48, 49, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 75

atrium A119 170

Audit A55 76

Aurintricarboxylic Acid A134 199

Autopsy A141 213

B Cells A137 206

Beta3-adrenoceptors A114 161

Bicuspid Valve Disease A101 141

Biomarkers A9, A109, A138, A143, A144 13, 151, 208, 217, 219

Bleeding A25 36

BNP A10, A113, A10 15, 158, 16

Brugada Syndrome A105 146

CAD /coronary angiography A144 218

Calcium A82 118

Cancer A57 79

Capillary rarefaction A66 93

Carcinoid heart disease A89 126

cardiac arrest A75 106

cardiac fibrosis A117 166

Cardiac Function A131 193

cardiac magnetic resonance A91 129

cardiac magnetic resonance imaging A81, A81, A88 114, 115, 125

Cardiac MRI A89, A125, A28 126, 182, 40

Cardiac Physiologists A42 58

Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy A2, A39, A39 2, 54, 55

cardiac-coronary interaction A66 94

Cardiogoniometry A67 95

Cardiomyopathy A108, A138 149, 209

cardioprotection A115 162

Cardiosphere-derived cells A116 164

Cardiotoxicity A14 23

Cardiovascular Comorbidities A74, A55 105, 77

Cardiovascular Disease A132, A61 196, 85

Cardiovascular imaging A81 116

Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance A26 38

Cardiovascular Risk A60, A61 83, 84

care A71 101

Carelink A43 59

carotid intimal medial thickness A144 218

carotid plaque A93 131

catheter ablation A47 64

Caveolin A123 178

Cell therapy A118 168


Chemotherapy A14 23

Chest pain A58 81

CIMT A66 92


Clinical Exome A139 210

clinical impact A91 129

clinical predictors A39 55

Clot lysis time A78 110

CMR A104, A16, A30, A30 144, 25, 41, 42

Coarctation of aorta A52 71

Cold air inhalation A20 30

complex cardiac disease A139 210

complication A38 53

Complications A46 63

Computational Fluid Dynamics A126 183

Computed Tomography A82, A95 117, 133

Congenital Heart Disease A52 72

consultant-led service A68 96

Contractile reserve A140 212

Contrast induced nephropathy A138 208

Copy Number Variants A135 203

CORM-A1 A114 160

Coronary angiography A72, A95 102, 133

Coronary artery disease A82, A93, A95, A125, A58, A67, A145 118, 131, 133, 181, 80, 95, A

coronary flow reserve A120 172

Coronary microvascular resistance A20 30

Coronary Physiology A21, A146 31, D

coronary wave intensity analysis A66 94

CPEX A54 74

CRT A41 56

CT A82 118

CT Coronary Angiography A63 89

day case A38 53

developmental programming A135 202

Diabetes A132, A132 195, 196

Diabetes Type II A78 110

Diabetic Cardiomyopathy A128 187

diagnostic accuracy A94 132

Diagnostics A50 69

Diffusion A96 134

Dilated Cardiomyopathy A7, A87, A102, A103 10, 124, 142, 143

Direct Flow Medical valve A32 45

Disarray A96 134

discharge rates A68 96

Dkk3 A146 B

Door to Balloon Times A18 27

Droplet microfluidics A129 190

ECG A41 57

ECGi A105 146

Echocardiogram A89, A10 127, 15

Echocardiography A83, A85, A90, A92, A110, A111, A26 119, 120, 128, 130, 152, 153, 37

ECV A96 135

eHealth A60 83

Elderly A101, A45 140, 61

Electrocardiogram (ECG) A42, A86, A108 58, 121, 149

Electrode Position A42 58

ELN gene A135 203

Endocardial LV pacing A41 56

Endocarditis A100 139


Endothelial Cells A134, A136 200, 205

endothelial dysfunction A117, A136, A39 167, 204, 54

Endothelial progenitor cells A22 32

endothelial-mesenchymal transition A117 166

Erythropoietin A130 192

ESC Risk Sscore A104 145

Ethnicity A12, A56 20, 78

Euroscore A31 43

Exercise A88, A20 125, 30

Exosomes A115 162

Extracellular matrix A127 185


Familial DCM A103 143

feature tracking A30 42

Ferritin A131 194

ffr A94, A19 132, 29

fibrin clot A127 186

Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 A131 193


Flow Mediated Dilation A39 54

Follow-up A37 52

Fontan A54 74

Force Frequency Relations A140 212

frusemide lounge A6 9

Functional status A33 46

Gender A17 26

general anaesthesia A32 44

genetics A87, A97 124, 136

Global longitudinal strain A90, A66 128, 92

glycomimetic A136 204

GRACE A73 104

Grip Strength A2 2

guidelines A61 84


haemodialysis patients A90 128

Haemorheology A142 214

hand-held echocardiography A113 157

HCM A106 147

HDAC A117 166

HDAC7 A122 176

health economics A106 148

Heart Age A60 83

heart failure A1, A7, A8, A89, A9, A10, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A6 1, 11, 12, 127, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9

hedgehog signalling A145 A

heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 A121 174

Hexarelin A127 184

HF outcomes A6 7

H-FABP A144 219

HFPEF A15, A16 24, 25

HFREF A15 24

high-sensitity troponin A72 103

Histiocytoid A138 209

Histopathology A48 66

hospitalised patients A91 129

HSP70 A115 162

hsTnT A144 219

Hyperlipidaemia A57 79

Hyperoxia A146 D

Hypertension A66 93

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy A7, A96, A104, A104, A106 10, 134, 144, 145, 147

hyponatraemia A1 1

hypoxia A130 192

IFR A19 29

IgM A137 206

Implantable Cardiac defibrillator A49 68

implantable cardioverter defibrillator A37 51

Improving Outcomes A9 14

Incidence A141 213

inflammation A87, A114, A122, A127 123, 160, 175, 184

Innovation A50 69

Integration A5 6

Intrinsic variation A129 190

iPS Cells A136 205

ischemia A133 198

Ischemia reperfusion A137 207

LBBB A70 99

left atrial appendage A45 62

Left bundle branch block A27 39

Left main stem disease A23 33

Left ventricular Dysfunction A14 23

Left ventricular ejection fraction A27 39

Left ventricular hypertrophy A49 67

Left ventricular pressure-volume loop A66 94

Length of Stay A74, A77, A4, A68 105, 108, 5, 96

Lipid profile A62 86

Lipoproteins A125 181

liver dysfunction A6 8

local anaesthesia A32 44

long detection-time A37 51

Long QTc interval A109 150

Long Term Outcomes A80 113

Low density lipoprotein A131 194

low flow A111 153

low risk A58 81

LV Stroke Volume A30 41

Macrophage A116 165

Magnetic resonance A98 138

management A36 50

Marfan syndrome A53 73

Marital status A77 108

maternal obesity A125 180

Mehran score A138 208

Mental Stress A21 31

meta-analysis A24 35

Microcirculation A66 93

microparticles A122 177

microRNA A121, A132, A133, A147 173, 197, 198, E

microvascular dysfunction A120 172

migration A122 176

mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist A14 22

minimally invasive A112 156

MINS A62 88


Mitochondrial Dysfunction A128 187

Mitofusin-2 A128 187

mitral A112 156

Mitral Valve A101, A112 140, 154

mitral valve prolapse A112 155

Mitral Valve Repair A101 140

mode switch A34 48

Morbidity and Mortality A52 71

Morphine A19 28

Mortality A74, A76, A77, A8, A12, A24, A3, A44, A55, A56, A57 105, 107, 108, 12, 19, 34, 4, 60, 77, 78, 79

Multiscale Model A142 214

Multivessel disease A68 97

myocardial A86 122

myocardial fibrosis A112 155

myocardial haemorrhage A81 114

myocardial infarction A72, A79, A8, A115, A116, A120, A127, A131, A14, A26, A70 103, 112, 12, 163, 164, 171, 184, 193, 22, 38, 99

Myocardial Injury A80 113

Myocardial Ischaemia A21 31

myocardial oedema A81 115

Myocardial Perfusion Imaging A146 D

Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy A81 116

myocarditis A87 123

myosin binding protein C A109 151

NADPH oxidase A117 167

NADPH oxidases A136 205

Neuroimaging A123 179

Neurovascular A97, A123 136, 179

New diagnosed A11 17

next generation sequencing A87, A139 124, 210

nf-kb A140 211

NICE Adherance A9 14

NICE Clinical Guidance 95 A63 89

NICE guidelines A10 16


nitric oxide A130 192

Nocturnal blood pressure A66 92

Noradrenaline A135 201

Nox2 A114 159

NP concentration A12 19

Nstemi A62 86

NT-proBNP A143 217

Nuclear cardiology A81 116

nuclear imaging A86 122

nursing A71 101

Obesity A114, A123, A135, A49 161, 178, 202, 67

Out of hospital cardiac arrest A72 102

outcomes A6 8

Outgrowth Endothelial Cells A132 195

Outpatient A58, A6 81, 9

Oxidative stress A114, A117, A136 159, 167, 204

P2Y12 Inhbitors A77, A78 109, 111

pacemaker A34, A37, A43 48, 52, 59

Pacing A38 53

Paradoxical embolism A97 137

Patent foramen ovale A97 137

pathway A36 50

percutaneous coronary intervention A24, A25 34, 36

Perfusion defect A62 87

perfusion scintigraphy A86 122

Perioperative A62 88

Perivascular adipose tissue A114, A135 161, 202

Personalised Medicine A134 200

phosphorylation A122 176

Physiologists A50 69

plakoglobin A119 170

Plaque A116 165

Plaque stability A146 B

platelet A127 186

Platelet closure times A143 216

Platelet Function A77, A78 109, 111

Platelets A129 190

PMCA4 A134 199

Polarisation A116 165

positive predictive value A79 112

positron emission tomography A87 123

Postconditioning A137 207

PPCI A71, A17, A68 101, 26, 97

Pregnancy A122, A53 175, 73

Preload A83 119

pre-participation screening A106 148

preserved ejection fraction A2 3

Pressure Myography A129 189

Prevention A59, A62 82, 86

Primary PCI A18 27

Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention A70, A19, A69 100, 28, 98

primary prevention A61 84

Prognosis A12, A12, A16, A62, A64 18, 20, 25, 87, 90

programming A125, A37 180, 51

Proliferation A118, A140 168, 211

prostagrandin A120 172

Prosthesis A100 139

Proteomics A125, A127 181, 185

Psychiatric comorbidities A7, A4 10, 5

psychiatric disease A55 77

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension A52 72

Pulmonary artery systolic pressure A33 46

Pulmonary Hypertension A88, A147 125, E

PVAT A128 188

QTc evaluation A109 150

Quality Improvement A55 76

quality of life A112 156

radial artery A22 32

Randomised controlled trial A65 91

Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic A63 89

Readmission A12 18

Referral Pathway A9 14

Refractory angina A65 91

relationship A7 11

Remodelling A102, A120 142, 171

Remote A43 59

renal dysfunction A6 7

renal morphology A125 180

Reprogramming A134 200

response A39 55

Resting Indices A19 29

resuscitation A75 106

Revascularisation A23, A62 33, 87

Right atrial flow pattern A97 137

Risk assessment A59 82

Risk Prediction A34 47

risk score A64 90

Risk Stratification A73 104

rule-out A72 103

ryanodine receptor A123 178

Same-day discharge A37 52

Sapien 3 valve A32 45

Sarcopenia A2 2

Savings A12 18

screening A113 157

Shear stress A130, A140 191, 211

smooth muscle cells A146 B


soft drinks A61 85

soluble guanylate cyclase A118 169

Spinal cord stimulation A65 91

ST elevation A105 146

Stable IHD A59 82

ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction A70, A81, A81 100, 114, 115

Stem cells A118 168

STEMI A78, A17, A24, A68 111, 26, 35, 97

steroids A119 170

Strain Imaging A83, A85, A89 119, 120, 126

strain-volume loop A110 152

Strategy A18 27

stress echocardiography A93, A94 131, 132

Stroke A35, A45 49, 62

STS A31 43

Sudden Cardiac Death A86, A104, A106, A112 121, 145, 148, 155

Sudden death A48, A49 66, 67

Supravalvular aortic stenosis A135 203

Surgery, A112 154

surgical ablation A47 64

sweetened beverage A61 85

Sympathetic nervous system A142 215

Syncope A50 70

systematic review A2 3

systemic lupus erythematosus A122 177

Systolic Function A113 158

TAVI A28, A30, A34 40, 42, 47

Telemedicine A11 17

Telemetry A41 57

Third coronary artery A141 213

Thrombolysis A70 100

thrombosis A127, A69 186, 98

thrombosis mouse model A118 169

Thrombus aspiration A24 35

Timing A23 33

Tissue engineeing A116 164

Titin A102, A103 142, 143

Tobacco Abusers A56 78

tolvaptan A1 1

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation A26, A27, A33 37, 39, 46

transcatheter aortic valve replacement A32, A32 44, 45

Transoesophageal echocardiography A47 65

transseptal A41 56

Trisomy 21 A52 72

troponin A79, A106, A62 112, 147, 88

Type 2 Myocardial Infarction A80 113

UK outpatients A58 80

Unstable coronary artery disease A78 110

Vagus nerve stimulation A142 215

valve disease A110 152

Vascular Biology A122 175

vascular calcification A122, A132 177, 196

vascular endothelial growth factor A133 198

vascular injury A22 32

Vascular smooth muscle A135 201

vascular smooth muscle cell A121 174

vascular smooth muscle cells A121, A132 173, 197

Vasodilation A129 189

vasoregulation A125 182

Vectorcardiography A67 95

venous congestion A6 7

Venous Thromboembolism A55 76

Ventilatory product A54 74

Ventricular function A98 138

Ventricular tachycardia A49 68

vessel perfusion A125 182

von Willebrand factor A143 216

Wall Shear Stress A126 183

Weekend A44 60

Weekend Discharge A3 4

Whole exome sequencing A138 209