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A young mother with severe chest pain
  1. U C Hoppe,
  2. D J Beuckelmann,
  3. M Böhm,
  4. E Erdmann
  1. Department of Internal Medicine III, University of Cologne, Joseph-Stelzmann-Strasse 9, 50924 Cologne, Germany
  1. Dr Hoppe. email:erland.erdmann{at}

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A 29 year old previously healthy woman was admitted to hospital with severe chest pain and dyspnoea on the fourth postpartum day. She was given bromocriptine orally (2.5 mg twice daily) to suppress lactation. Admission electrocardiogram revealed an acute anterior myocardial infarction. Immediate coronary angiography showed a spontaneous dissection of the left main and left anterior descending artery (LAD) (fig 1A), an otherwise rare cause of …

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