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Aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms of saphenous vein coronary artery bypass grafts
  1. H Le Bretona,
  2. D Pavina,
  3. T Langanayb,
  4. Y Rolandc,
  5. C Leclercqa,
  6. J M Beliarda,
  7. M Bedossaa,
  8. C Riouxb,
  9. J C Ponya
  1. aDepartment of Cardiology, CHRU Hotel Dieu, 2 rue de l’Hotel Dieu, 35033 Rennes Cedex, France, bDepartment of Cardiovascular Surgery, CHRU Hotel Dieu, cDepartment of Radiology, CHRU Hotel Dieu
  1. Dr H Le Breton, Department of Cardiology, CHRU Pontchaillou, rue Henri Leguillou, 35033 Rennes Cedex, France.


Aneurysms of saphenous vein grafts to coronary arteries are unusual complications of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Three patients (men aged 47, 62, and 68 years) are presented with spontaneous chest pains 10, 21, and 17 years after CABG surgery. In one case, the saphenous vein graft had eroded into the right atrium and had established a fistula between the graft and the right atrium. Diagnosis of saphenous vein graft aneurysms was confirmed by echocardiography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, and by arteriography. Two patients were treated surgically, the third by percutaneous coil embolisation followed by balloon angioplasty of the right coronary artery.

  • aneurysm
  • pseudoaneurysm
  • saphenous vein grafts
  • coronary artery bypass graft

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