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Exercise testing, symptoms, and clinical outcome in aortic stenosis
  1. G P McCANN,
  2. D F MUIR,
  1. Cardiovascular & Exercise Medicine
  2. Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
  3. University of Glasgow, Gardiner Institute
  4. Church Street, Glasgow G11 6NT, UK
  1. Dr McCann

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Editor,—We read the recent editorials on aortic stenosis with interest.1 ,2 Otto rightly highlights the importance of classifying patients with aortic stenosis into those at risk of future clinical events. Earlier studies on the natural history of aortic stenosis have shown that patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis have a very poor prognosis.3 The difficulty arises in classifying patients with asymptomatic aortic stenosis as they are generally considered to be at low risk of future events, even in the presence of severe disease. Otto has suggested defining severe aortic stenosis as a peak jet velocity …

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