Table 3

Comparison between recent studies on blood pressure in patients with coarctation of the aorta and the present study

Author and referenceNumber of participantsMean (SD) age at operation (years)Mean follow up (years)Hypertension determined by casual SBP (%)ControlsHypertensive 24 h SBP (%)
Controls shows the number of controls used to assess the prevalence of hypertension using 24 hour recordings.
Ex, patients with hypertension were excluded; Lit, controls from the literature; NA, not available.
*If mean 24 hour blood pressure was not given, the prevalence of daytime hypertension was used; †median and interquartile range.
Giordano2038Children2.6 (3)16Lit34
Leandro21205.5 (4.3)9.2 (3.1)Ex20NA
Eroglu22185.1 (4.8)2.5 (1.9)Ex18NA
Parrish23116.0 (1.0)10.1 (1.0)NA1545
Hauser24552.8 (2.2)7.945Lit19*
Johnson25215.5 (4.6)9.4 (4.9)27Lit29*
Present study1190.2 (0.04–2.0)†9.5 (7.1–12.8)†30103419