Table 4

Characteristics of patients with a positive cardiac history and/or abnormal baseline ECG as a function of left ventricular ejection fraction

VariableLVEF ≤40% (n=24)LVEF >40% (n=64)p Value
Values are n (%) unless stated.
BBB, bundle branch block; CAD, coronary artery disease; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; PVC, premature ventricular contractions.
Age (mean (SD))75 (7)73 (11)<0.01
CAD18 (75)27 (42)<0.01
Previous MI13 (54)14 (22)<0.01
Physical examination in emergency department
    Pulse >90 beats/min8 (33)16 (25)NS
    Third heart sound4 (17)0NS
    Pulmonary rales10 (42)15 (23)NS
12 lead ECG
    Old MI8 (33)8 (12)0.03
    Left or right BBB12 (50)14 (22)0.04
    Multiple PVCs7 (29)9 (14)NS