Table 2

Cost of coronary heart disease

Type of resource usedUnit of measurementUnits of resources consumedAverage unit cost (£)Total cost (million £s)Sources of data used (reference number)
Direct health care cost
Primary careDoctor consultations at clinic 2 138 948 12.7418.5025, 27
Doctor consultations at home 485 901 60.0029.1525, 27
Nurse consultations at clinic 49 800 10.000.5025, 27
Nurse consultations at home 29 766 22.000.6525, 27
Accident and emergency deptAttendances 297 447 55.6016.5428, 33
Hospital outpatient careAttendances 457 703 72.7933.3224, 26, 33
Hospital inpatient careInpatient bed days 1 967 985 466.08917.2528, 34
Hospital day caseDay cases 54 530 293.5016.0028, 34
Drug treatmentPrescriptions 53 457 249 8.90558.171, 2
Dispensing 53 457 249 1.5424.201, 2, 35
Cardiac rehabilitationRehabilitation programmes completed 48 246 501.5128.401, 26, 30, 31, 32
Community health/social services74.802
Direct health care cost subtotal 1 730.07
Productivity loss
MortalityWorking years lost (men) 135 06622 706653.3624, 39, 40
Working years lost (women) 15 49916 02347.8439, 40
MorbidityCertified incapacity days from CHD 65 400 000 79.772207.5139, 41
Productivity loss subtotal 2908.71
Informal care cost
Hours of informal care for CHDHours of caring by economically active carers per annum 29 550 000 8.32245.9436, 37, 39
Hours of caring by economically inactive carers per annum378 870 000 5.732170.5136, 37, 39
Informal care cost subtotal 2416.51
Total economic burden 7055.29