Table 4.5

Elements to achieve effective primary prevention

  • An agreed approach to CHD risk assessment and management, using a validated tool such as the Joint British Societies assessment charts and guidelines13

  • Well kept electronic patient records with risk factor levels and assessment scores clearly identified

  • An easily retrievable database of cases designated as “high risk” (i.e. a high risk register)

  • Suitable software to support the above

  • Staff trained to input the data

  • An adequate prescribing budget to cover preventive medication (e.g. statins, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, antihypertensives, nicotine replacement therapy, anti-obesity drugs, etc)

  • Agreed referral criteria and specialist support for cases requiring more intensive treatment (e.g. lipid clinic, diabetic clinic, obesity clinic, smoking clinic, exercise referral schemes, etc)