Table 1

Patient details

PatientDiagnosisOperationInterval (years)ProblemAge (years)StentFollow up (years)
Casts, bronchial casts; cc, congenitally corrected; DILV, double inlet left ventricle; fen, fenestrated; HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome; HLTX, heart-lung transplantation; J&J, Johnson & Johnson; LCO, low cardiac output; MA, mitral atresia; MS, mitral stenosis; PA, pulmonary atresia; PHT, pulmonary hypertension; PLE, protein losing enteropathy; TGA, transposition of the great arteries.
1HLHSfen Fontan0.7Casts4.0J&J P3083.4
2DILV TGAFontan7.2PLE13J&J P3082.8
3DILV TGAFontan2.9PLE7.4J&J P1882.3
4HLHSfen Fontan0.5PLE4.6Jomed 17mm0.7 death
5TGAArterial switch7.4PHT7.5J&J P1881.2
6DILV, TGA, MSPHT16J&J P3080.8
7DORV TGAFontan2.3PLE8.3J&J P3083.1
8ccTGA, MA, PAfen Fontan0.1LCO7.0J&J P1881.9 closure
9Primary PHTPHT48J&J P1880.1 HLTX
10Primary PHTPHT62J&J P1880.9 death
11Primary PHTPHT72J&J P1882.1
12Primary PHTPHT72J&J P1881.8