Table 2

Indices of left ventricular systolic function

Normal (n=25)Slight (n=17)Moderate (n=20)Severe (n=11)All obese (n=48)
Values are mean (SD).
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001, for differences between obese subgroups and normal weight group.
EDD, end diastolic diameter; EDV, end diastolic volume; EF, ejection fraction; EP, ejection period; ESD, end systolic diameter; ESV, end systolic volume; FS, fractional shortening; PEP, pre-ejection period; RWT, relative wall thickness; VCS, mean velocity circumferential shortening.
FS (%)30.8 (7.4)38.3 (8.2)**37.7 (8.5)**35.9 (7.3)37.5 (8.0)***
EDD (cm)4.4 (0.4)4.7 (0.3)**4.8 (0.5)**5.1 (0.5)***4.8 (0.5)***
ESD (cm)3.0 (0.3)2.9 (0.4)3.0 (0.6)3.3 (0.7)3.0 (0.6)
EF (%)65.7 (12.8)75.4 (9.1)*74.6 (9.8)*72.7 (8.6)74.4 (9.1)**
EDV (ml)75 (22)109 (29)***109 (27)***143 (26)***117 (31)***
ESV (ml)29.3 (11.4)44.6 (14.7)***46.4 (14.7)***66.0 (20.9)***50.2 (18.1)***
RWT0.37 (0.06)0.32 (0.06)*0.35 (0.09)0.38 (0.06)0.35 (0.08)
VCS (cm/s)1.1 (0.3)1.4 (0.5)*1.5 (0.4)***1.4 (0.4)1.5 (0.4)**
PEP (ms)90 (20)100 (20)10 (20)100 (30)100 (20)
EP (ms)280 (20)290 (50)260 (30)*270 (50)270 (40)
PEP/EP0.31 (0.07)0.35 (0.07)0.38 (0.08)**0.38 (0.14)0.37 (0.10)*