Table 4

Status on admission to hospital

Period 1 (n=533)Period 2 (n=777)p Value
*Number of patients with missing information during period 1.
†Number of patients with missing information during period 2.
ED, ermergency department.
Consciousness (2*, 22†) 0.009
    Unconscious (superficially)1817
    Unconscious (deeply)7672
Breathing (%) (0*, 20†) 0.0007
Palpable pulse (%) (36*, 20†)7689<0.0001
Ongoing CPR (2*, 20†)2210<0.0001
ECG pattern (27*, 32†)
    Pathological but no ischaemia3638
    Sign of acute ischaemia5553
Treatment in emergency department (%) (5*, 20†)
    Defibrillation169 0.0001
    Adrenaline1611 0.004
    Atropine96 0.011
Initial rhythm (%) (7*, 30†) NS
    Sinus rhythm5458
    Supraventricular arrhythmia2026
    Nodal rhythm22
    Slow ventricular rhythm22
    Atrioventricular block III00.8
    Pacemaker rhythm01
    Ventricular tachycardia32
    Ventricular fibrillation63
    Pulseless electrical activity33
    Asystole with p waves10.3
    Asystole without p waves71