Table 5

Forward Cox logistic regression analysis of selected variables: multivariate analysis for proportional hazard (dependent variable: residual gradient)

VariableβWalddfRHR (95% CI)p Value
Model significance: overall score (2 df) = 15.61, −2 LLR = 43.53, p = 0.0004.
β, regression coefficient; df, degrees of freedom; CI, confidence interval; HR, exponential function of β coefficients using natural log 2.74, numerically equivalent to hazard ratio; –2 LLR,–2 log likelihood ratio of the model; Wald, Wald χ2 test.
Anatomy1.54135.291810.23594.67 (1.26 to 17.36) 0.0214
Stent−2.88985.66941−0.24910.056 (0.005 to 0.599) 0.0173