Table 1

 Patients without, with transient, and with persistent microvascular dysfunction after recanalisation of a chronic total coronary occlusion

Microvascular dysfunctionp Value
Data are mean (SD). p Values represent the results of the ANOVA.
Six patients with reocclusion at follow up are excluded.
Comparison with other groups (post hoc analysis): *p<0.01, **p<0.001; changes within a group during follow up: †p<0.05, ††p<0.005, †††p<0.001.
APV, average peak velocity; CFVR, coronary flow velocity reserve; FFR, fractional flow reserve; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; WMSI, wall motion severity index.
Number of patients522917
Age (years)61.6 (9.5)65.2 (8.2)65.7 (12.7)0.16
Prior MI67%59%76%0.47
FFR0.87 (0.07)0.86 (0.09)0.87 (0.09)0.91
Diameter restenosis (%)49 (19)47 (21)43 (17)0.46
Coronary haemodynamic variables at baseline
    Basal APV (cm/s)25.1 (12.1)**35.0 (12.6)40.7 (18.8)<0.001
    Hyperaemic APV (cm/s)59.8 (26.9)54.6 (21.5)58.0 (25.4)0.72
    CFVR2.44 (0.39)**1.57 (0.26)1.46 (0.21)<0.001
Coronary haemodynamic variables at follow up
    Basal APV (cm/s)21.5 (7.3)†23.5 (9.9)†††40.9 (19.7)**<0.001
    Hyperaemic APV (cm/s)57.1 (19.4)61.1 (24.9)66.9 (40.2)0.39
    CFVR2.78 (0.76)††2.67 (0.60)†††1.58 (0.31)**<0.001
LV function at baseline
    LVEF0.60 (0.17)0.60 (0.20)0.52 (0.21)0.29
    WMSI (SD/chord)−1.86 (1.33)−1.86 (1.33)−2.64 (1.27)0.09
    Wall motion extension (chords)12 (12)12 (11)19 (12)0.08
LV function at follow up
    LVEF0.67 (0.14)†††0.70 (0.13)††0.57 (0.24)*†0.03
    WMSI (SD/chord)−1.28 (1.32)†††−0.78 (0.95)†††−2.05 (1.50)*†0.06
    Wall motion extension (chords)8 (12)††4 (9)†††15 (16)*0.01