Table 1

 Aspirin, β blocker, ACE inhibitor and statin use

Antiplatelet or warfarinACE inhibitor or angiotensin II blockerStatin
AspirinAnyβ BlockerAll patientsPatients with LVFAll patientsCholesterol ⩾5.0 (all ages)Cholesterol ⩾5.0 (age⩽75)
Patient data are presented as number of patients (percentage of totals).
* Mean dose expressed as % maximum British National Formulary recommended; † p<0.001; ‡ not significant; § p<0.05 (Kruskal–Wallis test);p<0.05 (Wilcoxon signed rank test statistic for admission to discharge and discharge to follow up).
ACE-I, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; LVF, left ventricular failure.
At admission
    Taking drug82 (27%)99 (33%)52 (17%)55 (19%)34 (18%)32 (11%)12 (6%)11 (7%)
    ACE-I dose*5.9%4.6%
At discharge
    Taking drug255 (85%)†286 (96%)†180 (60%)†159 (53%)†124 (66%)†180 (60%)†149 (75%)†129 (83%)†
    Valid exclusion38 (13%)102 (34%)23 (12%)12 (6%)9 (6%)
    ACE-I dose*18.7%†23.0%†
    % appropriate use across hospitals97–100‡92–96‡78–88‡77–93§
At follow up
    Taking drug167 (81%)¶199 (96%)120 (58%)¶119 (57%)¶84 (67%)‡141 (68%)‡114 (76%)‡95 (80%)‡
    Stopped taking drug186261712141311
    ACE-I dose*21.3%†23.2%‡