Table 1

Univariate analysis for mortality and clinical events in patients with chronic Chagas disease

VariableSurvivalDeathNo clinical eventClinical eventTotal
Data are mean (SD) or proportion.
Evaluation by χ2 test: clinical events, change in clinical group, EARD (ECG abnormalities related to the disease), NEARD (new ECG abnormalities related to the disease), systolic dysfunction, and segmental lesions. Evaluated by unpaired Student’s t test: LASD (left atrial systolic dimension), LVDD (left ventricular diastolic dimension), LVSD (left ventricular systolic dimension), PWT (diastolic posterior wall thickness), RVDD (right ventricular diastolic dimension), and SWT (diastolic septal wall thickness).
*p<0.01; **p<0.05; ***p<0.0001 compared with alive group; †p<0.05; ††p<0.0001 compared with patients without clinical events.
Age at admission (years)43.39 (11.11)49.12 (13.11)**42.65 (11.21)47.50 (10.13)††849
EARD304/833 (36%)14/16 (87%)***220/699 (31%)98/150 (65%)††849
NEARD112/833 (13%)9/16 (56%)***849
Change in clinical group68/833 (8%)15/16 (94%)***849
RVDD (cm)1.85 (0.55)2.12 (0.55)1.83 (0.52)1.97 (0.65)†753
LVDD (cm)4.96 (0.62)5.99 (0.68)***4.88 (0.54)5.44 (0.83)††849
LVSD (cm)3.06 (0.72)4.71 (0.90)***2.98 (0.62)3.64 (1.03)††840
LASD (cm)3.44 (0.57)3.82 (0.82)3.39 (0.54)3.74 (0.69)††817
Radius: thickness ratio2.88 (0.70)3.97 (1.50)*2.83 (0.65)3.24 (1.02)††823
PWT (cm)0.89 (0.22)0.81 (0.18)0.89 (0.21)0.89 (0.27)825
SWT cm)0.98 (0.24)0.95 (0.20)0.98 (0.23)0.99 (0.27)820
Systolic dysfunction60/832 (7%)8/16 (50%)***30/698 (4%)38/150 (25%)††848
Segmental lesions197/833 (24%)14/16 (87%)***141/699 (20%)70/150(47%)††849
EF (%)0.67 (0.11)0.42 (0.17)***0.68 (0.10)0.60 (0.16)††840