Table 1

 Cardiopulmonary haemodynamic data at baseline after 30 years of known primary pulmonary hypertension and at the end of inhalation of 5 µg iloprost

ParameterBaselineAt the end of inhalation of 5 µg iloprost
CI, cardiac index; PAPm, mean pulmonary arterial pressure; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; RAP, right atrial pressure; RRm, mean arterial pressure; Sao2, arterial oxygen saturation; Svo2, mixed venous oxygen saturation; SVR, systemic vascular resistance.
PAPm (mm Hg)3220
PVR (dyn·s·cm−5)339178
CI (l/min/m2)3.33.5
RRm (mm Hg)8182
SVR (dyn·s·cm−5)10581015
RAP (mm Hg)32
PCWP (mm Hg)76
Sao2 (volume%)9798
Svo2 (volume%)7374