Table 2

 Comparisons between patients with CAD and healthy controls on incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT) indices

Overall CAD (n = 53)Controls (n = 19)Intergroup p value*Group × exercise effects†
F(1, 70)p Value
Data are mean (SD) or median (interquartile range).
*Unpaired Student’s t or Mann-Whitney U test; †two way analysis of variance with repeated measures of the exercise effect in group by exercise interactions.
Δ indicates changes after ISWT; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HR, heart rate; RPE, rate of perceive exertion; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
Total distance (m)−430 (350–540)−440 (360–520)−0.94−NA−NA
RPE12 (11–13)12 (11–13)0.85NANA
ΔPlasma volume (%)−4.1 (−7.4 to −2.1)−3.2 (−8.1 to −0.69)0.38NANA
HRbefore (beats/min)66 (13)64 (9)0.56
HRafter104 (13)108 (12)
SBPbefore (mm Hg)133 (17)132 (7)0.91
SBPafter158 (16)160 (9)0.720.020.89
DBPbefore (mm Hg)78 (10)78 (7)0.89
DBPafter88 (9)92 (4)0.0261.550.22