Table 1

 Echocardiographic and cardiopulmonary exercise testing parameters in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and in strength and endurance athletes

ParameterHCM (n = 27)Strength (n = 19)Endurance (n = 20)p Value
*Significantly different from strength and endurance athletes; †significantly less than in endurance athletes; ‡significantly different from patients with HCM and strength athletes.
AT, anaerobic threshold; AT%, percentage of predicted anaerobic threshold; LVEDD, left ventricular end diastolic diameter; LVWT, left ventricular wall thickness; NS, not significant; O2P, oxygen pulse at peak exercise; pVo2, peak oxygen consumption; pVo2%, percentage of predicted peak oxygen consumption; VE, minute ventilation; VCo2, carbon dioxide production; Vo2, oxygen consumption; WR, work rate.
Age (years)19.90 (6.27)22.60 (3.89)22.00 (3.24)NS
Weight (kg)75.77 (13.54)83.74 (13.37)80.45 (7.38)NS
LVWT (mm)18.64 (5.54)*10.74 (1.40)10.10 (0.91)<0.05
LVEDD (mm)45.24 (4.81)*50.42 (2.87)†55.68 (3.23)<0.05
pVo2 (ml/kg/min)33.43 (6.84)31.51 (2.75)58.09 (4.59)‡<0.001
pVo2%77.70 (12.25)73.89 (6.70)136.40 (11.51)‡<0.001
AT (l/min)1.21 (0.26)1.18 (0.22)2.54 (0.41)‡<0.001
AT%38.11 (8.39)34.11 (5.39)74.55 (10.99)‡<0.001
O2P (ml/beat)13.93 (2.43)14.97 (1.73)25.35 (2.68)‡<0.001
ΔVo2/ΔWR (ml/min/W)9.58 (0.93)8.96 (1.03)9.21 (0.87)NS
VE/VCo2 slope27.38 (3.74)25.65 (1.76)22.36 (1.84)‡<0.001