Table 2

 Multivariate (logistic regression) analysis of the potential determinants of low PCS scores

VariableCoefficientSEp ValueOR95% CI
CI, confidence interval; ITU, intensive therapy unit; OR, odds ratio.
Diabetes0.370.260.161.450.87 to 2.42
GIT problems0.80.260.0022.211.33 to 3.67
PVD0.670.360.061.960.97 to 3.96
Dyspnoea (NYHA III/IV)0.330. to 2.34
Congestive heart failure0.70.340.042.011.03 to 3.92
Preoperative CVA or TIA0.540.350.121.720.86 to 3.44
BMI >30 kg/m20. to 2.36
Infective complications0.580.460.211.780.72 to 4.38
Readmission to ITU2. to 73.5
Type D personality0.850.22<0.0012.341.51 to 3.61