Table 6

 Psychosocial assessment of the study groups

nGroup 1 (n = 132)nGroup 2 (n = 130)nCombined (n = 262)
Values are number (25th, 75th centiles).
Likert-type response scale (from 1 = all of the time, to 7 = none of the time) in three specific domains of patients’ quality of life.
    At 1 month892.67 (2.22, 3.44)962.56 (2.00, 3.22)1852.56 (2.00, 3.33)
    At 6 months802.33 (1.78, 3.22)892.44 (1.78, 2.89)1692.33 (1.78, 3.00)
    At 1 year422.94 (2.44, 3.67)522.67 (2.33, 3.11)942.78 (2.33, 3.56)
    At 1 month923.20 (2.67, 3.70)982.87 (2.47, 3.27)1903.00 (2.53, 3.53)
    At 6 months853.07 (2.53, 3.60)852.93 (2.53, 3.20)1703.00 (2.53, 3.40)
    At 1 year423.37 (3.07, 3.73)503.20 (2.80, 3.40)923.20 (2.90, 3.73)
    At 1 month943.00 (2.57, 3.43)1002.86 (2.43, 3.29)1942.86 (2.57, 3.43)
    At 6 months852.86 (2.43, 3.43)862.86 (2.29, 3.14)1712.86 (2.29, 3.29)
    At 1 year423.2 (2.86, 3.43)513.00 (2.86, 3.43)933.14 (2.86, 3.43)