Table 5

 Antibiotic prophylaxis for IE in dental care and upper respiratory tract procedures: administration of antibiotics respecting contraindications and usual conditions of use and surveillance

AntibioticDosage and route of administration
*Oral paediatric dosages: amoxicillin 75 mg/kg; clindamycin 15 mg/kg; pristinamycin 25 mg/kg; †2 g orally if the patient’s weight is <60 kg; ‡the respective percentage of streptococci strains with a decreased susceptibility to these two antibiotics must be taken into account for the choice; §paediatric dosages: amoxicillin 50 mg/kg intravenously (iv) before, 25 mg/kg orally 6 hours later; vancomycin 20 mg/kg (maximum 1 g); teicoplanin: no official approval for antibiotic prophylaxis in children.
Ambulatory care* Single dose in the hour before the procedure
    No allergy to β lactamsAmoxicillin3 g orally†
    Allergy to β lactamsPristinamycin‡ or1 g orally
clindamycin‡600 mg orally
General anaesthesia§ Before (in the hour before the procedure) After (6 hours later)
    No allergy to β lactamsAmoxicillin2 g iv (infusion 30 min)1 g orally
    Allergy to β lactamsVancomycin or1 g iv (infusion ⩾60 min)No second dose
teicoplanin400 mg iv (bolus)