Table 1

 Comparison between patients with early, delayed, and no T wave normalisation

DataEarly T wave normalisation (n = 19)Delayed T wave normalisation (n = 69)Persistent negative T waves (n = 39)p Value
Values are mean (SD) or number.
CK, creatine kinase; EDV, end diastolic volume; ESV, end systolic volume; IRA, infarct related artery; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NS, not significant.
Age (years)59 (10)59 (12)58 (9)NS
Thrombolytic treatment154828NS
Peak CK (IU/l)1343 (524)1862 (818)2045 (908)0.009
Peak CK-MB (IU/l)132 (48)186 (65)204 (68)0.0003
Anterior infarction743130.007
Q wave infarction156526NS
Score index at baseline1.30 (0.19)1.39 (0.22)1.54 (0.35)0.003
LVEF (%)63 (8)59 (11)50 (14)<0.0001
EDV (ml)135 (31)153 (37)181(41)0.00034
ESV (ml)50 (19)68 (32)89 (49)0.00035
Occluded infarct artery47120.025
Residual stenosis (%)50 (7)70 (16)74 (12)<0.0001
⩾70% IRA stenosis449310.0001
⩾2 vessel disease618210.013