Table 2

 Clinical features and transoesophageal echocardiographic measurements in the four groups of patients

POS-D(n = 12)POS-N (n = 7)CONT-D(n = 15)CONT-N(n = 15)
Data are mean (SD).
CONT, control patients; D, dilated aortic root; N, normal aortic root; POS, platypnoea-orthodeoxia syndrome.
*p<0.005 v POS-N. **p<0.005 v CONT-N.
Age (years)69.6 (4.7)57.9 (10.4)61.9 (12.5)55.1 (18.2)
Sex ratio8 M/4 F5 M/2 F12 M/3 F9 M/6 F
Aortic root diameter (mm)47.7 (5.2)*†35.6 (3.5)50.3 (5.3)*†31.3 (2.7)
Atrial septal dimension (mm)16.3 (2.7)*†24.4 (5.2)17.4 (5.9)*†25 (4)