Table 1

 Baseline characteristics

*Defined as any previous documented myocardial infarction (MI), previous coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), previous percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), significant coronary heart disease (CHD; ⩾50% stenosis) on previous angiogram, previous positive stress test (treadmill or thallium), or ECG evidence of previous MI (including left bundle branch block (LBBB)).
ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; anti-huhsp60, anti-human heat shock protein 60; anti-mhsp65, anti-mycobacterial heat shock protein 65; CRP, C reactive protein.
Categorical covariates No (%)
    Male sex312 (53.2%)
    Previous stroke52 (8.9%)
    History of hypertension255 (43.4%)
    History of hyperlipidaemia184 (31.3%)
    Diabetes86 (14.6%)
    Current smoking224 (38.1%)
    History of CHD*283 (48.1%)
    Aspirin320 (54.6%)
    β Blocker129 (22.1%)
    ACE inhibitor101 (17.3%)
    Lipid lowering treatment51 (8.7%)
    Admission ECG
        Normal80 (13.6%)
        Minor abnormality233 (39.6%)
        Significant ST-T abnormality158 (26.9%)
        Previous MI117 (19.9%)
    New ECG changes during index admission110 (18.7%)
Continuous covariates Mean (SD)
    Age (years)62.4 (11.9)
    White cell count (109/l)9.1 (3.3)
    Loge (sensitive CRP) (loge mg/l)1.71 (1.36)
    Creatinine (IU/l)99 (36)
    Loge (anti-huhsp60) (U/l)3.25 (0.71)
    Loge (anti-mhsp65) (U/l)2.81 (0.95)