Table 1

 Clinical trials of hypothermia during acute myocardial infarction

Study acronymDesignInclusion criteriaCooling systemNo. of patientsTarget temperatureDuration of coolingPrimary end point
MACE, major adverse cardiac events; MI, myocardial infarction.
COOL-MI Pilot16Randomised pilot studyMI <6 hReprieve Temperature Therapy System4233°C3 hMACE
LOW TEMP17RegistryMI <6 hCoolgard Temperature Management System2032-34°C4 hInfarct size
NICAMIRegistryMI <6 hArtic Sun Temperature Management System1134°C3 hMACE
COOL-MI18Randomised, multicentreMI <6 hReprieve Temperature Therapy System41233°C3 hInfarct size
ICE-IT19Randomised, multicentreMI <6 hCelsius Control System22833°C6 hInfarct size
COOL-MI IINon-randomised, multicentreAnterior MI <6 hReprieve Temperature Therapy System15033°C3 hInfarct size