Table 2

 CHD markers in the new GMS contract

CHD markerNo. of points availableAudit standard*
*Figures in brackets are those from author’s practice, December 2004.
†Before start of annual flu immunisation programme.
ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker; BP, blood pressure; CHD, coronary heart disease; GMS, General Medical Services; LVD, left ventricular dysfunction.
Patients with newly diagnosed angina who are referred790% (100)
Patients with record of smoking790% (89)
Patients who have been offered smoking cessation advice490% (93)
Patients with record of BP790% (96)
Patients with BP <150/90 mm Hg1970% (78)
Patients with record of cholesterol790% (85)
Patients with total cholesterol <5 mmol/l1660% (69)
Patients on antiplatelet treatment or anticoagulant790% (91)
Patients on β blocker750% (58)
Patients on ACE inhibitor post-MI770% (93)
Patients with influenza immunisation785% (0)†
Register of patients with CHD and LVD4
CHD and LVD confirmed by echocardiogram690% (100)
CHD and LVD patients treated with ACE inhibitors or ARB1070% (95)