Table 1

 Characteristics of participants

Data are mean (SD) or number (%).
CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; GRACE, Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; NSTEMI, non-ST elevation myocardial infarction; PTCA, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; STEMI, ST elevation myocardial infarction; UA, unstable angina.
Age (years)60.4 (11.6)
Ethnicity: white245 (83.1%)
Marital status: married191 (64.7%)
Educational qualifications
    None139 (47.1%)
    Primary66 (22.4%)
    Secondary90 (30.5%)
Paid employment158 (53.7%)
Deprivation index
    Low132 (44.7%)
    Medium77 (26.1%)
    High86 (29.2%)
Body mass index (kg/m2)27.1 (4.5)
Smoking status
    Never65 (22.0%)
    Former smoker108 (36.6%)
    Current smoker122 (41.4%)
Alcohol drinkers188 (63.9%)
Physical activity
    None182 (62.1%)
    Low60 (20.5%)
    >2 times/week51 (17.4%)
Diabetes39 (13.2%)
Hypertension131 (44.4%)
Previous myocardial infarction32 (10.8%)
Preadmission β blockers52 (17.7%)
Preadmission statins43 (14.6%)
Preadmission aspirin61 (20.7%)
Time of onset
    00 00–06 0062 (21.0%)
    06 00–12 0096 (32.5%)
    12 00–18 0084 (28.5%)
    18 00–24 0053 (18.0%)
Woke up with symptoms29 (9.8%)
Day of week
    Weekday197 (66.8%)
    Weekend98 (33.2%)
Premonitory symptoms (4 days)134 (45.4%)
Acute coronary syndrome type
    STEMI200 (67.8%)
    NSTEMI/UA95 (32.3%)
ST segment depression36 (12.2%)
Q wave131 (50.2%)
Non-Q wave130 (49.8%)
No of vessels diseased1.78 (0.8)
Heart failure23 (7.8%)
Arrhythmia25 (8.5%)
Troponin T (μg/l) (n = 253)4.03 (5.7)
Creatine kinase (U/l) (n = 233)1286.3 (1395)
    Medical80 (28.7%)
    PTCA159 (57.0%)
    CABG40 (14.3%)
GRACE risk score93.0 (27.1)