Table 1 Characteristics of men and women in mid- to low-income communities in Karachi
VariablesAll (n = 3143) No (%)Men (n = 1503) No (%)Women (n = 1640) No (%)p Value
Age (years), mean (SD)51.6 (10.8)51.9 (10.6)51.3 (11.0)0.147
Formal schooling status (%)
    Middle school (grade 7 or less)2137 (68.0)881 (58.6)1256 (76.6)<0.001
    Higher education (greater than middle school)1006 (32.0)622 (41.4)384 (23.4)
Physical activity* (METS) median (25th–75th centile)577.5 (82.5–1680)773 (264–2766)355 (0–1188)<0.001
Past smoker†, No (%)319 (10.1)300 (20.0)19 (1.2)<0.001
Body mass index, mean (SD)25.6 (5.5)24.3 (4.7)26.7 (5.8)<0.001
Overweight/obesity‡, No (%)2113 (67.4)893 (59.5)1220 (74.6)<0.001
Waist circumference, mean (SD)89.2 (12.5)91.0 (12.8)87.7 (12.1)<0.001
Central obesity§, No (%)2064 (65.7)835 (55.6)1229 (74.9)<0.001
Waist:hip ratio, median (25th–75th centile)0.9 (0.8–0.9)0.96 (0.90–1.0)0.86 (0.81–0.91)<0.001
Glucose fasting (mmol/l), mean (SD)6.4 (2.8)6.3 (2.7)6.6 (2.9)0.005
Serum cholesterol (mmol/l), mean (SD)4.87 (1.02)4.76 (0.95)4.96 (1.07)<0.001
LDL (mmol/l), mean (SD)2.99 (0.80)2.94 (0.75)3.04 (0.83)0.003
HDL (mmol/l), mean (SD)1.04 (0.26)1.00 (0.22)1.12 (0.28)<0.001
Total lipids (g/l), mean (SD)8.4 (1.4)8.4 (1.5)8.4 (1.4)0.554
Triglycerides (mmol/l), mean (SD)1.80 (1.08)1.87 (1.19)1.73 (0.96)0.001
Cholesterol:HDL ratio, mean (SD)4.90 (1.39)5.18 (1.4)4.6 (1.35)0.007
Hypertension¶, No (%)1341 (44.0)501 (34.8)840 (52.3)<0.001
Diabetes**, No (%)627 (21.1)267 (19.4)360 (23.8)0.004
Hyperlipidaemia††, No (%)1007 (34.9)420 (30.5)587 (39.0)<0.001
High LDL‡‡, No (%)868 (30.1)375 (27.3)493 (32.7)0.001
Low HDL§§, No (%)2087 (72.4)929 (67.5)1158 (76.9)<0.001
Hypertrigyceridaemia¶¶, No (%)1229 (42.6)595 (43.2)634 (42.1)0.535
Metabolic syndrome***, No (%)1327 (42.2)487 (32.4)840 (51.2)<0.001
  • *Physical activity MET (metabolic equivalent) score was defined as: total MET−minutes/week  =  walk (METs−min×days) + moderate (METs×min×days) + vigorous (METs×min×days).

  • †Past smoker defined as those who smoked ⩾100 cigarettes in their lifetime.

  • ‡Overweight/obesity defined as body mass index ⩾23 kg/m2.

  • §Central obesity defined as having a waist circumference of ⩾80 cm in women and ⩾90 cm in men.

  • ¶Hypertension defined as mean systolic blood pressure ⩾140 mm Hg or mean diastolic blood pressure ⩾90 mm Hg.

  • **Diabetes defined as patients taking antihypertensive drugs, or having fasting blood sugar ⩾7.0 mmol/l.

  • ††Hyperlipidaemia defined as fasting serum cholesterol of ⩾5.18 mmol/l.

  • ‡‡High LDL defined as LDL ⩾3.37 mmol/l.

  • §§Low HDL defined as HDL <1.04 mmol/l in men or <1.30 mmol/l in women.

  • ¶¶Hypertriglyceridaemia defined as serum triglyceride >1.70 mmol/l.

  • ***Metabolic syndrome defined as the concomitant presence of at least three of the following: hypertension, high triglycerides (>1.70 mmol/l); or low HDL cholesterol (<1.04 mmol/l in men or <1.30 mmol/l in women), impaired glucose tolerance (fasting glucose ⩾6.1 mmol/l), or central obesity.

  • HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein.