Table 3 Estimated HRQoL (in terms of utilities) at randomisation and changes in HRQoL from randomisation measured by the EQ-5D index
Explanatory variablesUtility at randomisation (n = 1799)Change in utility at follow-up(n = 1734)
UtilitySEChange in utilitySE
Previous myocardial infarction−0.0440.016−0.0100.016
ST depression−0.0660.015
Angina (grade 3 or 4)−0.0740.015
Randomised to conservative strategy (4-month follow-up)0.0440.013
Randomised to early interventional strategy (4-month follow-up)†0.0380.017
Randomised to conservative strategy (12-month follow-up)0.0380.008
Randomised to early interventional strategy (12-month follow-up)†0.0180.015
Myocardial infarction during year−0.0350.022
  • *The constant shows the utility at randomisation for a patient without any of the risk factors included in the analyses. A negative (positive) sign indicates that the risk factor is associated with a lower (higher) utility at randomisation.

  • †Note that coefficients represent the gain in utility in the early interventional strategy over and above that of the conservative strategy.

  • SE, standard error.