Table 6 Predictors of non-response to cardiac resynchronisation therapy (patients with CRT and concurrent cardiac surgical procedure excluded)
PredictorsResponders (n = 66)Non-responders (n = 15)p Value
Congenital heart disease (%)80.346.70.018NS
Congenital complete AV block (%) tested
Dilated cardiomyopathy (%)4.540<0.0010.002
Initial NYHA class (median)2.03.0<0.0010.003
Age at CRT (years), median18.111.20.447Not tested
Systemic right ventricle (%)28.820.00.749Not tested
Pacing before CRT (%)81.860.00.087Not tested
Initial SVEDD (z score), mean (SD)+3.5 (2.7)+6.3 (3.4)0.003NS
Initial SF (%), mean (SD)17.3 (9.9)12.9 (4.2)0.148Not tested
Initial EF/FAC (%), mean (SD)31.6 (14.5)22.5 (10.2)0.101Not tested
Initial SAVV regurgitation (grade), median120.682Not tested
Initial QRS duration (ms), median1601500.301Not tested
QRS shortening by CRT (ms), median−40−300.357Not tested
Thoracotomy or mixed lead system (%) tested
  • AV, atrioventricular; CRT, cardiac resynchronisation therapy; EF, ejection fraction; FAC, fractional area of change; NYHA, New York Heart Association; SAVV, systemic atrioventricular valve; SF, shortening fraction; SVEDD, systemic ventricular end-diastolic dimension.