Table 4

Univariate association between 7-week follow-up clinical variables and the respective high sensitivity (hs) troponin T trends between baseline and 7 weeks

Variables at 7-week follow-up*Low–low (n=45)*High–low (n=169)*Low–high (n=10)*High–high (n=102)p Value
Age (SD)60 (11)62 (12)62 (14)69 (10)<0.001
Male sex: no (%)646980680.785
History of hypertension (%)44335062<0.001
Type II diabetes (%)13710180.043
Smoker/ex-smoker (%)587080570.082
Index diagnosis-NSTEACS (%)1006010062<0.001
Admission GRACE score101 (24)134 (32)118 (37)154 (35)<0.001
Revascularisation at 7 weeks (%)293490300.002
Anaemia (%)33315063<0.001
eGFR (ml/min) (SD)69 (12)68 (15)62 (12)57 (17)<0.001
BNP >80 pg/ml13476088<0.001
LVSD (%)9111034<0.001
LVH (%)25355667<0.001
Impaired long axis function (%)30223857<0.001
  • * Low–low indicates baseline hs troponin T ≤14 at baseline and 7-week follow-up. High–low indicates baseline hs troponin T >14 and follow-up hs troponin T ≤14. Low–high indicates baseline hs troponin T ≤14 and follow-up hs troponin T >14. High–high indicates hs troponin >14 on both occasions.

  • BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GRACE, Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; LVSD, left ventricular systolic dysfunction; NSTEACS, non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome.