Table 1

Patient characteristics by treatment group

 No. (%) of Patients*
Nurse-coordinated prevention programmeUsual care
Age (years), mean (SD)57.5(9.9)57.8(10.4)
Female, n (%)73(20%)74(20%)
Diagnostic category at index event
 STEMI, n (%)181(50%)174(48%)
 NSTEMI, n (%)120(33%)120(33%)
 Unstable angina pectoris, n (%)55(17%)73(19%)
Therapeutic intervention for index event
 No revascularisation, n (%)71(19%)79(22%)
 Percutaneous coronary intervention, n (%)282(78%)271(75%)
 Coronary artery bypass surgery, n (%)20(6%)22(6%)
Previous vascular disease (prior to index event)
 Myocardial infarction, n (%)60(16%)65(18%)
 Percutaneous coronary intervention, n (%)46(13%)55(15%)
 Coronary artery bypass surgery, n (%)19(5%)19(5%)
 Stroke, n (%)14(4%)10(3%)
 Peripheral artery disease, n (%)20(6%)23(6%)
 Congestive heart failure, n (%)3(1%)3(1%)
 No known previous vascular disease, n (%)269(74%)266(73%)
History of cardiovascular risk factors, n (%)
 Positive family history, n (%)219(60%)220(60%)
 Diagnosed diabetes mellitus, n (%)49(13%)52(14%)
 Dyslipidaemia, n (%)254(69%)263(72%)
 Current smoking, n (%)†169(46%)156(43%)
 Ex-smoker, n (%)134(37%)143(39%)
 Hypertension, n (%)142(39%)130(36%)
 Fewer than 8 years, n (%)51(14%)47(13%)
 College or university, n (%)76(21%)74(20%)
  • Data are n (%) or mean (SD).

  • *Unless otherwise indicated. Percentages may not sum to 100 because of rounding.

  • †Smoking status prior to index event.

  • NSTEMI, non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; STEMI, ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; UAP, unstable angina pectoris.