Table 1

Patient characteristics

TotalNo arrhythmiaArrhythmiap Value
Mean current age (years)29.1 (±9.2)25.3 (±5.6)34.4 (±10.5)<0.001
Cardiac anatomy0.78
Single LV: TA and DILV99 (60%)54 (56%)45 (64%)
Single RV: MA, DIRV and HLHS23 (14%)15 (16%)8 (11%)
PA+intact septum10 (6%)5 (5%)5 (7%)
Unbalanced AVSD5 (3%)4 (4%)1 (1%)
Heterotaxia20 (12%)13 (14%)7 (10%)
Other9 (5%)5 (5%)4 (6%)
Mean age at Fontan (years)9.0 (±8.5)6.4 (±5.4)12.6 (±10.5)<0.001
Median age at Fontan (years)5.6 (3.8–11.9)4.8 (3.3–7.6)11.0 (5.3–14.9)
Type of Fontan<0.001
Modified AP104 (63%)48 (50%)56 (80%)
Lateral tunnel22 (13%)17 (18%)5 (7%)
TCPC40 (24%)31 (32%)9 (13%)
Mean follow-up (years)18.6 (±4.7)17.3 (±3.7)20.5 (±5.2)
Mortality21 (13%)9 (9%)12 (17%)0.21
  • The values are mean (±SD) or median (IQR). Categorical variables are presented as percentages.

  • AP, atriopulmonary connection; AVSD, atrioventricular septal defect; DILV, double inlet LV; DIRV, double inlet RV; HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome; MA, mitral atresia; PA, pulmonary atresia; TA, tricuspid atresia; TCPC, extracardiac total cavopulmonary connection.