Table 2

Tumour entities and staging for patients with confirmed cancer (n=555)

Patients with cancer (n=555)
Tumour entity
 Lung cancer, n (%)61 (11.0%)
 Breast cancer, n (%)146 (26.3%)
 Brain tumour, n (%)23 (4.1%)
 ENT tumour, n (%)33 (5.9%)
 Gastrointestinal tumours, n (%)67 (12.1%)
 Myelodysplastic malignancies, n (%)68 (12.3%)
 Myeloproliferative neoplasias, n (%)99 (17.8%)
 Oesophageal cancer, n (%)11 (2.0%)
 Testicular cancer, n (%)2 (0.4%)
 Neuroendocrine tumour, n (%)11 (2.0%)
 Sarcoma, n (%)9 (1.6%)
 Mesothelioma, n (%)3 (0.6%)
 Prostate cancer, n (%)2 (0.4%)
 Renal cell carcinoma, n (%)4 (0.7%)
 Thymoma, n (%)1 (0.2%)
 Skin cancer, n (%)2 (0.4%)
 Urogenital tumours, n (%)2 (0.4%)
 Oral cancer, n (%)1 (0.2%)
 Other, n (%)10 (1.8%)
Tumour stage
 Stage 1, n (%)93 (16.7%)
 Stage 2, n (%)49 (8.8%)
 Stage 3, n (%)108 (19.5%)
 Stage 4, n (%)177 (31.9%)
 No staging, n (%)128 (23.1%)
  • Counts are given as numbers and percentages.

  • Myelodysplastic malignancies: haematological malignancies with abnormal differentiation of myeloid or lymphoid cell lines (eg, AML, acute myeloid leukemia; ALL, acute lymphoid leukemia; lymphomas, multiple myeloma); myeloproliferative neoplasias: haematological neoplasias with normal cell differentiation (eg, essential thrombocytosis, polycythaemia vera, myelofibrosis).

  • ENT, ear, nose, throat.