Table 2

Outcomes (time to first event) of patients with CAD (adjusted)

OutcomePlacebo (n=717)Nebivolol (n=735)HR
n%ARn%ARHR95% CIp Value
Primary endpoint11415.99.77910.76.50.680.51 to 0.900.008
Sudden death648.95.3405.43.20.620.41 to 0.920.017
Hospitalisation or death (acute MI or unstable angina)608.45.1456.13.70.740.50 to 1.090.12
  • Number (n) and percentage (%) of patients with at least one event.

  • Annual rate (AR) as number of events per 100 patient-years of follow-up at risk.

  • HR was calculated based on time-to-event. Analyses adjusted by gender, age and left ventricular ejection fraction.

  • CAD, coronary artery disease; MI, myocardial infarction.