Table 1

Baseline patient characteristics

CharacteristicsAll patients
ILR diagnosis
No ILR diagnosis
Length of follow-up (SD), months15±118±820±11
Age, mean (SD), years65 (13)64 (13)66 (12)
Men, No. (%)228 (45)88 (47)140 (44)
Syncope events
 Total events, median (IQR)7 (4–10)7 (5–10)6 (4–10)
  ≥7 episodes, No. (%)251 (50)98 (52)153 (48)
 Events in the last 2 years, median (IQR)4 (3–6)4 (3–6)4 (3–6)
  ≥4 episodes, No. (%)311 (61)123 (66)188 (34)
 Events in the last 2 years without prodromes, median (IQR)2 (0–4)2 (0–4)3 (0–4)
 Age at first syncope, mean (SD), years51 (22)48 (22)53 (21)
 Interval between first and last episodes, median (IQR), years5.5 (2–22)8 (3–23)*5 (2–19)*
 History of presyncope, n (%)237 (47)101 (54)**136 (43)**
 Hospitalisation for syncope, n (%)308 (61)116 (62)192 (61)
 Injuries related to fainting, n (%)
  Major injuries (fractures, brain concussion)83 (16)19 (10)64 (20)
  Minor injuries (bruises, contusion, haematoma)230 (46)86 (46)144 (45)
 Typical vasovagal presentation, n (%)205 (41)87 (46)118 (37)
 Typical situational presentation, n (%)81 (16)30 (16)51 (16)
 Without prodromes287 (57)102 (54)185 (58)
Medical history, n (%)
 Structural cardiac abnormalities60 (12)22 (12)38 (12)
 Atrial tachyarrhythmias40 (8)18 (10)22 (7)
 Hypertension246 (49)91 (49)155 (49)
 Diabetes56 (11)19 (10)37 (12)
 Neurological/psychiatric disorders30 (6)6 (3)24 (8)
Concomitant medications, No. (%)
 Antihypertensive257 (51)94 (50)163 (51)
 Psychiatric64 (13)24 (13)40 (13)
 Any other drugs167 (33)55 (29)112 (35)
 Mean number of drugs per patient1.4 (1.4)1.3 (1.4)1.4 (1.5)
Baseline mean heart rate, bpm70 (11)69 (10)70 (11)
Supine arterial blood pressure (SD), mm Hg131 (17)131 (17)131 (17)
Standing arterial blood pressure120 (21)121 (19)120 (22)
 LV EF (SD), %61 (6)62 (6)60 (6)
 LV diastolic diameter (SD), mm Hg49 (6)49 (7)49 (6)
 LV systolic diameter (SD), mm Hg32 (6)32 (7)32 (6)
 Any abnormality, %47 (9)15 (8)32 (10)
Tilt testing: performed, No. (%)439 (87)157 (84)282 (89)
 Positive of those performed, No. (%)204 (46)85 (54)119 (42)
  Asystolic response, No. (%)52 (12)28 (18)***24 (9)***
  Non-asystolic response152 (35)57 (36)95 (34)
  • p Values: *0.04; **0.02; ***0.002; ILR, implantable loop recorder; n, number.