Table 5

Diagnostic metrics by cohort for the 99th percentile 0 and 3 h rule-out test

CohortAMINot AMIProportion low risk (%)Sensitivity (%)Specificity (%)Negative predictive value (%)Positive predictive value (%)
Brisbane ADAPTTest positive141588.593.3 (68.1 to 99.8)93.6 (89.7 to 97.9)98.2 (95.5 to 96.4)48.3 (29.4 to 67.5)
Test negative1221
Christchurch ADAPTTest positive742276.394.9 (87.4 to 98.6)93.4 (90.1 to 95.8)98.7 (96.7 to 99.7)77.1 (67.4 to 85.0)
Test negative4309
Christchurch ADAPT-ADPTest positive241284.885.7 (67.3 to 96.0)94.2 (90.2 to 97.0)98.0 (95.0 to 99.5)66.7 (49.0 to 81.4)
Test negative4197
Christchurch EDACS-ADPTest positive8488.0100 (51.8 to 100)95.7 (89.2 to 98.8)100 (93.8 to 100)66.7 (34.9 to 90.1)
Test negative088
Hamilton RINGTest positive3784.4100 (19.4 to 100)88.5 (77.8 to 95.2)100 (90.3 to 100)30.0 (6.7 to 65.2)
Test negative054
Brisbane ADAPTTest positive153879.193.8 (69.8 to 99.8)84.0 (78.7 to 88.4)99.5 (97.2 to 100)28.3 (16.9 to 42.3)
Test negative1199
Christchurch ADAPTTest positive828661.094.3 (87.1 to 98.1)75.0 (70.1 to 79.5)98.1 (95.6 to 99.4)48.8 (41.0 to 56.6)
Test negative5258
Christchurch ADAPT-ADPTest positive272777.296.4 (81.7 to 100)87.0 (81.8 to 91.3)99.5 (97.0 to 100)50.0 (36.1 to 63.9)
Test negative1182
Hamilton RINGTest positive31965.6100 (19.4 to 100)68.9 (55.7 to 80.1)100 (87.7 to 100)13.6 (2.9 to 34.9)
Test negative042
  • Bold text represents primary outcome metrics.

  • 99th percentile rule-out: 0 and 3 h hs-cTnI <99th percentile.

  • ADP, Accelerated Diagnostic Pathway; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; hs-cTnI, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I; hs-cTnT, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T.