Table 1

Comparison of clinical characteristics between patients in the study cohort and patients who were study eligible but not enrolled

DemographicsStudy eligible patients non-enrolled (n=129)Study cohort patients (n=200)
Age (years (SD))60  (10)58  (10)
Male (n (%))98  (76)168  (84)
Previous AMI (n (%))28  (22)33  (17)
Chronic angina (n (%))13  (10)29  (15)
Previous CABG/PTCA (n (%))8  (6)13  (7)
Diabetes mellitus (n (%))11  (9)16  (8)
Hypertension (n (%))57  (44)77  (39)
Current smoker (n (%))49  (38)83  (42)
Anterior AMI (n (%))41  (32)73  (37)
Inferior AMI (n (%))79  (61)113  (57)
Non-Q wave MI (n (%))29  (22)69  (34)1-150
Thrombolytic treatment (% (SD))49  (38)92  (46)
Peak CK (units/l (SD))1824  (1384)1780  (1436)
Inhospital death (n (%))1  (0.8)0  (0)
  • (A)MI, (acute) myocardial infarction; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CK, creatine kinase; PTCA, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.

  • 1-150 P = 0.03; study eligible, non-enrolled patients v study cohort.