Table 2

Reasons for withdrawal of patients from study, according to study group

ReasonsTrimetazidine and diltiazemPlacebo and diltiazem
No of patientsMean No of days2-150 No of patientsMean No of days2-150
Lack of efficacy02 8.0
Adverse reactions2-151 02 7.0
Intercurrent illness2-152 127.0227.0
Refusal to continue2 5.52 6.0
Total patients38
  • 2-150 After start of study treatment.

  • 2-151 In the placebo group, one patient withdrew because of palpitations, anxiety, and restlessness; and the other because of constipation.

  • 2-152 Denotes one case of fever in the trimetazidine group; and two patients reporting sick in the placebo group who could not be followed up.