Table 2

Comparisons of the mean dispersion values and the centile ranges between the patients with myocardial infarction divided into three subgroups according to the infarct locations

DVR indicesAnterior myocardial infarctionInferior myocardial infarctionMixed myocardial infarction
With VT (n=8)Without VT (n=100)With VT (n=16)Without VT (n=100)With VT (n=15)Without VT (n=100)
JTe-d (ms)98 (19) (75, 131)57 (21) (21, 100)86 (28) (36, 153)46 (20) (19, 86)82 (32) (27, 126)52 (22) (19, 94)
QTe-d (ms)89 (17) (58, 110)51 (20) (13, 90)78 (24) (44, 128)40 (20) (12, 85)77 (29) (27, 109)47 (21) (14, 87)
  • Values are mean (SD) and (2.5, 97.5) centiles.

  • DVR, dispersion of ventricular repolarisation; VT, ventricular tachyarrhythmias. See text for explanation of DVR indices.