Table 1

Clinical data

GroupnAgeSex (M/F)CI (ml/m2) PCWP (mm Hg)LVEDVI/LVESVI (ml/m2)EF (%)IVST/PWT (mm)
DCM-like HCM649 (7)4/22.5 (0.7)18 (10)* 133 (35)* /104 (44)* 24 (17)* 12 (3)/10 (1)
HCM657 (18)5/12.7 (0.6)17 (7)* 58 (12) § /13 (3)* § 77 (8) § 25 (4)* § /12 (3)*
DCM655 (5)5/12.1 (0.7)*14 (8)146 (57)* /112 (60)* 26 (13)* 10 (1)/10 (1)
Postmyocarditis549 (13)3/23.0 (0.7)11 (3)122 (65)/69 (60) 50 (18)* §9 (2)/9 (1)
Normal control745 (15)4/33.1 (0.7)§8 (3) 69 (13) §/21 (9) § 69 (8) § 9 (1)/9 (1)
  • Values are mean (SD).

  • Significant difference (p < 0.05) compared with: (*) control; () DCM-like HCM; () HCM; (§) DCM; () postmyocarditis.

  • CI, cardiac index; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; HR, heart rate; LVEDVI and LVESVI, left ventricular end diastolic and end systolic volume index; EF, left ventricular ejection fraction; IVST and PWT, interventricular septal and left ventricular posterior wall thickness.