Table 4

Results of corridor walk tests in VVIR and VVI

VVIRVVIp value
Corridor walk tests
Slow walking pace (s)86.5 (2.6)86.9 (3.0)NS
Borg score6.7 (0.3)7.8 (0.7)NS
Normal walking pace (s)73.4 (2.1)72.6 (2.0)NS
Borg score7.4 (0.5)9.1 (0.8)< 0.05
Fast walking pace (s)59.6 (2.0)61.9 (1.6)NS
Borg score8.9 (0.8)12.5 (0.9)< 0.05
Quality of life (QOL)
QOL score (max 210)181.8 (0.4)161.5 (5.5)< 0.05
Customary activity
 7 day score4-150 63687 (8572)57941 (10404)NS
 Steps per hour 578 (72)516 (82)NS
 % of time active 34.7 (4.4)34.0 (4.4)NS
  • Values are mean (SEM).

  • 4-150 Hip worn pedometer data (steps per week); shoe worn pedometer data.