Table 1

Comparison of global atrial conduction characteristics between 25 patients with isthmus dependent atrial flutter (group A) and 21 patients without (group B)

Global RA functionGroup AGroup Bp Value
 P wave duration (ms)119.3 (17.5)114.4 (11.7)0.25
 P wave amplitude (mV)0.20 (0.06)0.18 (0.04)0.28
 P-HBE (ms)34.1 (7.5)32.8 (10.5)0.20
 P-CSO (ms)60.5 (17.2)54.6 (10.6)0.63
 P-DCS (ms)81.0 (22.3)75.1 (13.3)0.29
RA free wall conduction velocity (m/s)
 LLRA PCL500 ms0.98 (0.09)1.00 (0.13)0.07
400 ms0.97 (0.11)1.00 (0.10)0.66
300 ms0.96 (0.12)0.98 (0.10)0.55
250 ms0.95 (0.10)0.97 (0.10)0.51
200 ms0.91 (0.11)0.94 (0.07)0.29
RA septum conduction velocity (m/s)
 CSO PCL500 ms0.91 (0.09)0.98 (0.15)0.054
400 ms0.90 (0.09)0.99 (0.16)0.020
300 ms0.91 (0.10)0.97 (0.14)0.094
250 ms0.90 (0.10)0.97 (0.12)0.034
200 ms0.86 (0.09)0.96 (0.17)0.014
  • Data are mean (SD).

  • anova comparisons of conduction velocities at various pacing cycle lengths in the right atrial (RA) free wall and the RA septum were non-significant in group A and group B patients.

  • CSO, coronary sinus ostium; DCS, distal coronary sinus; HBE, His bundle electrogram; LLRA, low lateral right atrium; PCL, pacing cycle length.