Table 3

Plasma neurohormone concentrations and left ventricular indices measured one to four days after myocardial infarction in patients with and without subsequent adverse events over a mean 14 month follow up

nBNP (pmol/l)ANF (pmol/l)N-ANF (pmol/l)cGMP (nmol/l)Adrenaline (pmol/l)Noradrenaline (nmol/l)LVEF (%)LVEDV (ml)LVESV (ml)
 Yes2652 (35)*** 68 (66)*** 4054 (2333)*** 8.5 (5.8)*** 210 (112)2.84 (1.79)3-150 35 (16)*** 203 (86)*** 140 (73)***
 No 19429 (17)34 (22)2064 (1346)6.0 (2.6)204 (174)2.19 (1.19)47 (12)147 (38)79 (32)
Heart failure
 Yes5650 (30)*** 65 (51)*** 3640 (2113)*** 8.8 (4.6)*** 256 (160)3-150 3.20 (1.68)*** 36 (15)*** 183 (69)*** 122 (59)***
 No16425 (12)29 (14)1841 (1074)5.5 (2.0)188 (169)1.95 (0.96)49 (10)144 (35)75 (27)
Acute coronary syndrome
 Yes6634 (23)40 (41)2448 (1618)6.5 (3.6)174 (116)2.26 (1.15)46 (15)149 (49)84 (44)
 No15431 (20)37 (28)2236 (1848)6.3 (3.2)218 (194)2.27 (1.39)46 (13)156 (55)88 (48)
  • Values are mean (SD).

  • 3-150 p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001, comparison of those with and without event.

  • ANF, atrial natriuretic factor; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; cGMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate; LVEDV, left ventricular end diastolic volume; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVESV, left ventricular end systolic volume; NA, noradrenaline; N-ANF, N-terminus ANF.