Table 3

Characteristics of patients and details of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests treated by paramedics or technicians with help from various health professionals

Technicians onlyParamedic onlyTechnicians
and backup paramedic
and MP
and HP
and MP
and HP
p Value
Median age (IQR)69 (61, 76)68 (59, 75)67 (55, 73)67 (58, 71)65 (57, 72)71 (61, 79)65 (57, 73)0.001
Male400 (76.9)398 (72.2)110 (75.3)39 (69.6)79 (81.4)51 (72.9)89 (83.2)0.114
Median Townsend index (IQR)1.5 (−1.0, 3.7)0.8 (−1.8, 3.7)2.8 (−0.8, 4.2)0.0 (−2.7, 2.5)1.7 (−0.6, 3.8)0.7 (−2.0, 2.6)1.2 (−0.4, 3.5)0.001
Previous myocardial infarct241 (46.3)233 (42.3)66 (45.2)23 (41.1)46 (47.4)20 (28.6)50 (46.7)0.141
Presenting rhythm VF192 (36.9)266 (48.3)90 (61.6)31 (55.4)50 (51.5)38 (54.3)61 (57.0)< 0.001
Presenting rhythm other264 (50.8)281 (51.0)56 (38.4)21 (37.5)40 (41.2)32 (45.7)46 (43.0)0.025
Presenting rhythm unknown64 (12.3)4 (0.7)0 (0.0)4 (7.1)7 (7.2)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)NA
Witnessed arrest307 (59.0)341 (61.9)99 (67.8)42 (75.0)65 (67.0)53 (75.7)80 (74.8)0.002
Bystander CPR123 (23.7)154 (27.9)41 (28.1)40 (71.4)57 (58.8)47 (67.1)54 (50.5)< 0.001
Witnessed arrest by ambulance crew60 (11.5)56 (10.2)17 (11.6)5 (8.9)9 (9.3)6 (8.6)6 (5.6)0.654
Cardiac arrest at home362 (69.6)398 (72.2)111 (76.0)36 (64.3)57 (58.8)56 (80.0)61 (57.0)0.001
  • Values are n (%) unless otherwise stated.

  • CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; HP, health professional; IQR, inter quartile range; MP, medical practitioner; VF, ventricular fibrillation.