Table 4

Outcome of patients with ventricular fibrillation as presenting rhythm

Technicians only (n = 192)Paramedic only (n = 266)Technicians and backup paramedic
(n = 90)
Technicians and MP (n = 37)Technicians and HP (n = 50)Paramedics and MP (n = 38)Paramedics and HP (n = 61)p Value
BID/home116  (60.4)113  (42.5)30  (33.3)14  (37.8)20  (40.0)21  (55.3)22  (36.1)<0.001
DID (A&E)46 (24.0)85 (32.0)35 (38.9)6 (16.2)11 (22.0)2 (5.3)22 (36.1) 0.001
Admitted alive30 (15.6)68 (25.6)25 (27.8)11 (29.7)19 (38.0)15 (39.5)17 (27.9) 0.005
Discharged alive21 (10.9)28 (10.5)7 (7.8)5 (13.5)7 (14.0)9 (23.7)8 (13.1) 0.266
  • Values are n (%).

  • BID, brought in dead; DID, died in accident and emergency department (A&E); MP, medical practitioner; HP, health professional.