Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the patients

Group 1
(myocardial infarction)
Group 2
(unstable angina)
Group 3
(stable angina)
Age (years)56.00 (7.53)54.45 (9.97)57.10 (8.61)
Sex (M/F)22/116/618/4
BMI (kg/m)25.76 (3.33)24.56 (3.15)26.69 (3.05)
Ejection fraction (%)53.04 (11.17) 62.19 (11.91)1-150 68.40 (8.24)
Heart rate (beats/min)59.2 (6.64)59.38 (8.23)56.0 (5.94)
β Blockers 797
Total number in group232222
  • Values are numbers of patients or mean (SD).

  • 1-150 p < 0.05 v group 3; p < 0.01v group 3.

  • BMI, body mass index.