Table 4

Evalution of ventricular tachycardia rate and heart rate variability in the control state and during treatment with sotalol in group II patients

Sotalol positive (n = 8)Sotalol negative (n = 14)
VT rate (beats/min)260 (33)201 (13)215 (34)227 (29)
SDNN (ms)112 (30)107 (29)113 (39)90 (27)
pNN 50 (%)7 (4)10.5 (5)3.4 (5)7.7 (6)
NN (ms)911 (88)1229 (96)*** 879 (136)1046 (133)***
CV (%)12 (3)9 (2) 13 (5)9 (3)**
rMSSD (ms)35 (11)40 (11)27 (22.5)33 (14)
LF (ms)388 (254)476 (193)189 (177)310 (320)
HF (ms2)95 (54)149 (52)38 (32)* 97 (76)**
LH/HF ratio4.02 (1.87)2.52 (1.44)4.87 (3.60)3.12 (2.30)
  • Values are mean (SD).

  • Comparisons are made between control state and sotalol in each group:*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.

  • CV, coefficient of variance (SDNN/mean RR); HF, high frequency amplitude; LF, low frequency amplitude; NN, mean RR interval; pNN50, per cent differences between normal RR intervals that are greater than 50 ms, computed over 24 hours; rMSSD, root mean square of successive differences in RR intervals among consecutive normal beats; SDNN, standard deviation of the mean RR intervals; sotalol negative, unchanged or accelerated VT with sotalol; sotalol positive, slowed VT with sotalol; VT, ventricular tachycardia.